Economic Teaching Methodology

The Department of Economic Teaching Methodology provides courses of teaching specialization since 1953. Its advantage is that it allows to merge economic study with humanistic oriented study of pedagogy and psychology and at the same time students get two professional qualifications – economical and pedagogical. The focus is placed on economic component, which includes study of standard economic subjects, pedagogical – psychological and didactical component with didactic practice.

Graduates work as teachers of professional economic subjects at the secondary schools, as directors, teachers of higher professional schools, many of them successfully taught at the universities, they also work in research and public service.

Science and Research – Main research topics

  • Development of the professional and special didactics
  • Development of economic and practical knowledge with regard to teaching of economic subjects secondary and higher professional schools
  • Innovation and development objectives, content, organization of the curriculum, teaching methods, including the use of multimedia tools in teaching economic subjects at the secondary and higher professional schools
  • Integration theoretical, economic and practical knowledge into teaching economic subjects
  • Increasing the qualifications of teachers secondary and higher professional schools
  • Innovation of bachelor, master and doctoral study programs Teaching of economic subjects
  • Innovation of managed pedagogical practice of bachelors and masters study programs
  • Author: FFA
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