Doctoral studies – publishing activity 

Primary obligations are set by the Decree of the Dean 1/2014 and the ISP: 

  1. Students are obliged to regularly publish in professional periodicals in which contributions are subject to a review procedure (hereinafter referred to as “professional peer-reviewedpapers”). The minimum number of professional peer-reviewedpapers for students is as follows: 
  2. a) onepaperby the date of submission of the application for the state doctoral exam, 
  3. b) in total twopapersfrom the beginning of the doctoral study to the date of submission of the application for the defence of the dissertation. The student must publish at least one paper in a journal registered with the Web of Science or Scopus database. 

In the case a student publishes the Jimp / Scopus type of paper without co-authors (while the supervisor does not get counted as a co-author), the Dean may, upon request, waive the requirement of the second paper according to this point. All newly admitted students must publish at least one article with IF / SJR in a journal registered with the WoS or Scopus database. 

  1. The student is obliged to present the results ofhis or herresearch activities at conferences, and as of the date of submission of the application for the state doctoral exam, the student is obliged to have at least one active presentation at a professional conference, thematically corresponding to the assigned dissertation or the field of study. 
  2. The student is obliged to regularly recordhis or herpublishing activity that results from his or her doctoral study research activity at the Faculty of Finance and Accounting using only the database of publishing activities of the information system of the Prague University of Economics and Business. 

Entering publishing activities in the VŠE database 

Each student must enter his or her published piece of work into the Database of publishing activities of VŠE. The publication gets inserted into the database by filling in the form and submitting the form together with the publication itself to the assistant of Dean, Ms. D. Kubová.