MIFA ranked 6th in Eastern Europe’s Master’s Programmes
The English taught Master’s programme Finance and Accounting ranked 6th in Eastern Europe, according to the website best-masters.com. Our faculty’s only English taught Master’s programme ranked high, compared to 29 other Finance programmes. We are proud that the Master’s programme Finance and Accounting are worldwide renowned for providing high-quality education. For more information about our Master’s programme Finance and Accounting, please, visit the following link: mifa.vse.cz
The very same server reports Prague University of Economics and Business ranking the 1st in Eastern Europe! Join our Open House Day online on 1. 12. 2021 for more information about English Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes at VŠE.
The methodology used by the portal best-masters.com combines 3 criteria:
- The reputation of the programme
- The salary of the first employment
- Students’ satisfaction
Bonus points are then awarded for:
- Programs with more than 7 different nationalities are registered in its programs.
- Programs have more than 7 different nationalities from at least 3 different zones.
- Programs that enable at least 20% of their graduates to do an internship or to work abroad
- Programs admitting at least 5 students with work experience
- Programs that offer Distance Learning