The Faculty

 The Faculty of Finance and Accounting is one of the 6 Faculties at the Prague University of Economics and Business. Our Faculty provides education in the study branches of finance, accounting and corporate financial management, taxation and tax policy, banking and insurance, and economic teaching methodology. Graduates find employment in the finance, insurance and banking sectors, broker companies, accounting and audit firms, consulting firms and the public sector. In 2009, the selected study courses were awarded with ACCA (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) accreditation and ICAEW accreditation (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales).

The Faculty consists of 7 Departments a 2 Institutes.

The head of the Faculty is the dean who together with four vice deans (vice dean for International Relations, for Science, Research and PhD Studies, for Education and Studies and for Development) manage the Faculty. The structure of the Faculty can be seen here.

The Faculty consists of around 90 academic employees with more than 2 800 students registered in all of the offered programmes both Czech and English. The Faculty gives a high emphasis on the quality in education and offered programmes.


The goal of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting at the Prague University of Economics and Business is to consistently achieve the leading position  within the academic field of Finance and Accounting in the countries of Central Europe. The Faculty endeavors education based on principles of social responsibility and leads students to ethical behavior, individual and social responsibility, as well as defends free expression of thoughts and ideas.